Menus and the Toolbar

Windows Frotz provides the following menu items, the most commonly used of which also appear on the toolbar:

File/New Game... Ctrl+N
Opens a file dialog from which you can pick a different game to load into the interpreter. The game currently being played will be lost, so be sure to save before loading a new game if you want to keep your position.

File/Open Saved Game... Ctrl+O
Opens a file dialog from which you can pick a saved position to load into the current game. This is equivalent to entering restore at the input prompt.

File/Save Game... Ctrl+S
Opens a file dialog from which you can save your position in the current game to a file. This is equivalent to entering save at the input prompt.

File/Stop Playback Ctrl+T
If a recorded script is being played back, this item stops the playback.

File/Exit Alt+F4
Exits the interpreter.

Turns the toolbar at the top of the interpreter window on and off.

View/Status Bar
Turns the status bar at the bottom of the interpreter window on and off.

View/Options... Ctrl+P
Opens the options dialog.

View/Scrollback Ctrl+L
Opens the scrollback dialog, which shows all the text printed since the current game was loaded.

Help/Windows Frotz Help
Opens this help window.

Help/Internet Links
The items in this menu open web sites related to Z-code games in a browser window.

Help/About This Game
Opens a dialog showing the cover art and description of the game, if available.

Help/About Windows Frotz
Opens the About dialog, which shows the version number and credits for this version of Windows Frotz.